Working with paper?....Fold, Crease, Stencil, Cut, Crumple, Paste.
After seeing these works I was inspired by hand generated work such as by working with paper such as Origami or to create a collage, Stenciling or by creating something three dimensional and interactive like a book such as a Pop-up Book or package. I suppose I could explore "New direction" in this way, Experiment with drawing different arrow shapes and play with concept of how a book is interacted with. It will be important that the objects I create will communicate the message effectively. Initially, I like the idea of working with paper by manipulating it with folds and cutting into it to create objects which could then be arranged and photographed to form the final image. As some of the images I found were inspired by nature and the environment I feel this could be an area for development. However, I really need to define my concept and present the idea more clearly. As one of the keywords is "Caring for the environment" I thought of using recycled paper to create my object by photocopying onto the paper to provide some detail, or made by materials that are biodegradable? Still not sure though. Maybe produce a landscape scene? or create a scene where the objects inside can move. I could look at endangered species? However, I would like to work with flower designs, Creating a selection of flowers? Maybe by tracing the growth of a flower from seed to Bloom? I think the concept of growth is optimistic which could represent Orange as a developing company which envelops its customers in a positive way. Stenciling and working with light and shadow? I like the idea of studying the Chinese Lantern, A symbol of Hope and Optimism. I could also create a hanging mobile to display them? I think working with the colour's of Orange, Black and Grey will help communicate this idea more effectively. I also like the idea of incorporating pattern, Maybe by drawing onto them with my own designs?
I still feel that these ideas are still just preliminary and may change, I still feel they could be developed further or too even explore another idea completely.